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Mapping the Philanthropic Response to Israel's Mental Health Needs
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 Export to Your Calendar 1/22/2025
When: Wednesday, January 22, 2025
12:00pm ET | 9:00am PT | 7:00pm IT
Where: Zoom
United States
Contact: Beth Benjamin

Online registration is available until: 1/22/2025
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The need for philanthropic investment to support mental health care and resilience in Israel since 10/7/23 has been profound and the urgency unrelenting. Join JFN's Mindfulness & Mental Health Peer Network to learn about an important new project to support the field of philanthropy in assessing existing needs, resources, and priorities. Together with their research collaborators, JFN's Israel-based Mental Resilience, Social Resilience, and Philanthropic Response Funder Interest Group will share the results of a mapping of the philanthropic field in Israeli mental health and resilience.

Reut Stoller, Director of Strategy, JFN Israel
Jonathan Tenenbaum, Researcher

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