Wednesday, February 12, 2025 1:00pm ET | 10:00am PT | 8:00pm IT
Zoom United States
Rachel Sumekh & Rebecca Sirbu
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Delve into the findings of the groundbreaking report, On the Edge: Voices of Economic Vulnerability in U.S. Jewish Communities
. This conversation will shed light on the 20% of Jews in the United States who experience economic insecurity—spanning all denominations, geographies, and backgrounds. The report, conducted by Tulane University and Rosov Consulting and commissioned
by The Harry and Jeanette Weinberg Foundation, reveals how financial instability often leads to weaker connections to Jewish communal life and underutilization of available support programs. These findings are a call to action for all organizations.
The report's co-author, Dr. Ilana Horwitz
, will explore key insights, including the prevalence of situational vulnerability due to unexpected life events and the heightened impact on single parents, LGBTQ Jews, Sephardi/Mizrachi Jews, and others. Most importantly, we’ll discuss and source
from attendees actionable strategies organizations can consider to address these challenges, reduce stigma, and build a Jewish community where everyone has the opportunity to thrive.
Speakers Dr. Ilana Horwitz
, Tulane University, Assistant Professor of Jewish Studies Rachel Sumekh, Project Executive at TEN: Together Ending Need
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