Guides for Intelligent Giving are topical, user-friendly research reports for funders, published by JFN. Some, like our recent guides on participatory grantmaking and impact investing, highlight tools and strategies that are popular in the broader philanthropic community and explore how they are applicable to Jewish funders. Others focus on a challenge facing the Jewish community, map out the background and current status, and detail a wide range of funding approaches to solving the problem. All are downloadable and free!
- Participatory Grantmaking in the Jewish Community and Beyond, March 27, 2022
- A Guide to Jewish Impact Investing, June 16, 2021
- Young Adults at Risk in Israel, March 18, 2019
- Arts as a Driver for Social Change in Israel, March 15, 2018
- The Guide to Funder Collaboration with the Government of Israel (GOI), July 26, 2017
- Funding Jewish Overnight Camp, March 30, 2016
- Funding Environmental Stewardship in Israel, June 30, 2015
- Hitchadshut Yehudit, Jewish Renewal in Israel, March 10, 2014
- Jewish Dayschool Financial Sustainability and Affordability, January 13, 2014
- A Guide to Funding Disabilities and Special Needs, November 2012